
i’m luca.

i’m the one who wants to watch you dance in the rain, the one whose eyes can’t leave the sunset, & the secret hopeless romantic. i’m your storytelling, chess-playing, always-cold bohemian. i’m the mountain-climbing, shower-singing, stress-baking artist that found life behind the lens.

i’m the one who can’t help but find you beautiful - every single breath is a gift & as your photographer, I get to show you how perfect the creases by your eyes look when you’re belly-laughing.

I get to actually FREEZE TIME!! you’ll show these pictures to your grandkids.

those candid seconds of what I call “free joy”- are everything.

you ever notice the way ‘the one your soul loves’ looks at you?

i do.

let me show you.


are you ready?

here’s what beautiful is to me.

beauty is stretch marks on your thighs. beauty is shower-melted makeup. beauty is scraped knees. beauty is the birthmark you’re insecure about. beauty is your coffee stained teeth. beauty is an oversized vintage sweatshirt with red wine stains. beauty is crooked pinky fingers. beauty is sunburned shoulders. beauty is a wrinkled face. beauty is nails bitten to the quick. beauty is white converse shoes stained grey. beauty is no fairytale. beauty is candid, beauty is real.

beauty is vulnerability. beauty is kindness. beauty is gentleness. beauty is powerful. beauty is trying. beauty is rest. beauty is waiting. beauty is divine. beauty is delicate. beauty is euphoric. beauty is asymmetric. beauty is kaleidoscopic. beauty is intangible. beauty is intricate. beauty is inviting.

love letters! forever grateful!

it’s what emily dickinson was reminiscing on when she wrote ‘wild nights.’ it’s the reason she thinks the world will end when she wears the red dress. it’s the stuff of dreams & pearls & whispers.

visual poetry. genuine connection. raw emotion. works of art. cinematic storytelling.

it’s everything you ever wanted.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I offer:

    • Portrait Photography

    • Wedding & Event Photography

    • Family Photography

    • Engagement & Couples Photography

    If you fall outside these domains, contact me anyway! I’ll see what I can do :)

  • At this time, nope!

    Maybe someday in the future.

  • I’ve developed a unique style of photography that is deeply rooted in photojournalism bleeding into documentary style, while influenced by fine-art and romantic photography. I LOVE creative lighting, unique perspectives, angles, compositions and artistic post-production refining to bring out my clients’ personalities & beauty while telling their amazing story! I pride myself artistry & expressive imagery. To see examples, please visit my gallery.

  • oooooooohhhhhh yes. Up to this point, I’ve never lost an image I didn’t want to lose.

    Immediately after our session, I backup the images from multiple SD cards to a local hard-drive, as well as copy to an offsite hard-drive. At any given point, there are two copies of your images in two different locations.

  • I don’t!

    At the RAW state the images are not edited and don’t yet represent my photography. Part of what you’ve invested in me is my post-processing!

  • yes! I am happy to meet with you virtually or in-person (for my pittsburgh locals) free of charge in order to discuss details further!

  • This depends on the season!

    If I’m in the weeds of wedding season, I can’t go quite as quickly as I’d like. But — I boast a speedy fast turnaround time for my wedding clients of 3-6 weeks. For portrait sessions, I estimate 3-4 weeks.

    I’ll always give you the most current estimation at the end of our session!

  • Yep!

    After the initial culling process, every image is post produced with my unique signature style of post-production. This can involve color correction, adjustments to exposure, selective black and white processing, clarity adjustments, tone-mapping, and others.

  • You have the right to print images whenever you want! However, you may not sell your images for profit.

    tag @bringeroflightphoto in your instagram posts!

  • I shoot with two different Canon camera bodies and a variety of lenses, consisting of:

    • Canon 70-200 F/2.8 L IS Telephoto Lens

    • Canon EF 24-70 f/2.8L USM Standard Zoom Lens

    • Canon EF 85mm f/1.2 L

    • Canon 50mm f/1.2 USM Portrait

    & many others.

  • While your generous family member may be decent behind the camera, here are a few things they aren’t so great at.

    1. The ability to quickly adjust camera settings based on different lighting scenes. Most of the time photographers have 2-3 seconds to adjust settings on the fly, any more than that, and the photographer is almost guaranteed to miss something.

    2. The knowledge of how the camera reads and interprets light. In tricky lighting situations, the photographer must rely on their experience rather than the camera’s readings.

    3. The foresight to be prepared for each situation with a secondary camera prepped with a different type of lens. Professional photographers will always plan ahead.

    4. The carrying cases needed to always have their necessary equipment and accessories on them at all times. Professional photographers will always have their equipment readily available on their person, or nearby.

    5. Experience shooting fleeting moments that you only have one chance to capture. Something like a first kiss typically only lasts 1-2 seconds, and you don’t necessarily know exactly when it is going to happen. The photographer must be staring through their lens, prepared for this moment to happen.

    6. Experience and knowledge required to anticipate angles and approaches to each scene. Knowing this only comes from experience.

    7. The ability to create unique lighting scenes, and supplement natural light with their own lighting. Understanding light and lighting is something that comes from study, training and experience. Being a master of lighting is impossible unless you have tried shooting in every possible lighting situation.

    8. Experience in guiding and directing large groups. This is where personality and tact are so important, and how they they interact with the bride, groom and their family.

    9. The knowledge of advanced focus techniques.

    10. Experience in taking extra shots of crucial pictures such as during formals in case of blinking, awkward expressions, etc.

    hire a pro!

  • I wish that I could work with every budget! I truly understand that not everyone can afford the luxury of a photographer. Occasionally, I will try to work within a set budget if I have the date available! If you have a special circumstance, please message me so we can chat more!

  • The photos will be delivered to your email with a link to your online gallery. I use a site called “Pixieset” to deliver these. From there, you can download your photos, share the link with friends/family, share to social media, and order prints, and more!

    You can also opt in for another delivery method, USB drive, disk, etc - let me know in our consultation!

  • This all depends on my bookings and availability. If at all possible, I’ll do my very best!

    For my wedding clients, this may be more difficult to do. I’ll be communicating with you through the whole process, and we’ll make it happen!